Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Have you ever had a project you thought would be easy and it turned out to be a nightmare? Welcome to my life right now. Im working on this project for my 3D foundation class and its taking me so long. Its not even that difficult its just all the small detail work, all that stuff that makes a huge difference in the end. What are your experiences? As for me it looks as though im going to get little sleep again because of one of these blasted projects, hopefully it turns out well... wish me luck.


  1. This happened a lot in my foundation classes as a freshman. I would get a simple project and I would spend all night doing it. A project that I was assigned once was to create a 3D sculpture that extended off my body and it had to make a mark on a surface. I thought it was going to be easy. I wanted to create a skirt (extension off my waist) that had markers attached to the ends to make the mark on paper on the ground. I started using regular wire and that failed. My friend suggested that I make the wire skirt out of wire hangers, which was what made my skirt effective. When the wired skirt was finished I needed to make another real skirt to put on top to make it ascetically pleasing. It is one of those things where details matter. So I know how it is. After more than 12 hours of work later I finished my skirt successfully. It was very frustrating and I don't ever want to take a 3D class for a long time. So just push through.

  2. Yeah, I know what you mean. For some reason, whenever I start planning for a project, I think, "this is going to be too easy" so I try to make it more complex. Then, too late, two days before the projects due I realize, "I should have just stuck with my original plan..." (Like in my 3D foundations class last year, I decided to make a dinosaur skeleton-thing for my foam core project. But then I decided to add a jellyfish and made the legs and arms too detailed. So, the weekend before it was due, I wound up spending practically every breathing moment on it...)

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  4. I can definately relate. In my 3d computer modeling class I had to create a hand for my character. Sounds easy right? Wrong. The process of creating a simple hand turned out to be quite complex and stressful, taking more than two weeks. I'm just glad to be almost done with it!
