Monday, October 19, 2009

Getting back into the groove of things

Ok so I'm sure it happens to most of us, we go on spring or fall break and instead of coming back refreshed... you feel tenfold worse. I just recieved an assignment through email (yay, not), because who doesnt love getting assignments over email, you open it and just go "oh yeah, crap." So when starting an art assignment comming off of a break or vacation or what have you, what are the best ways to get motivated again? What things might you recommend that does not work (so those of us reading wont try those either)?


  1. Assignment through email?! ugh that is horrible.
    But to your main topic...the best way to get motivated? I always try to think of fall/spring as something like hump day. We made it thru half the semester and we are almost done!
    The middle of the semester is the hardest with all the work piling on...but we are almost done

  2. A great way to get motivated is to find what you like about the project and see what you can do to make it the way you want it, within the guidelines. (I like to forget that it is a school assignment and it is something that I thought of). What also helps is doing about 20 thumbnails and doing a few models or color studies. Once you get through those processes you will get excited about what you are doing and you know that your project will be better once you have a foundation of lots of options to see what you want to do.
