Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Art and Technology

Some times I hate technology, it doesnt work right away or it doesnt work as quickly or as efficiently as I or we would like. The truth is technology has problems and as a people who are becoming more and more dependent upon it we have to learn to deal. As an artist Im learning to use technology along with my artwork, taking it to the next level and bringing the pencil and paper to the pixel form on the computer screen. It opens up many new concepts and ideas and could bring my artwork into a whole new existence or entity if you will. While I figure out how to use my art in different ways on my computer i will keep exploring new ideas while troubleshooting as the errors occur... and they will occur.


  1. Check out www.pittsburghartandtech.org...lots on the intersection of art and tech.....

  2. I agree that not enough art is involved in the lives of the average person today. I'm a Graphic Designer and, although many do not see what I do as a fine art, it takes and artist eye. I would love to know what kind of digital art you are interested in... you never really said. But if your interested in Print Design... You should Check out thedieline.com. ,It's spectacular!

  3. As you venture into technology as an aide to your art don't forget the principles you've learned as a fine artist. Anybody can pick up a book and learn the software. Art Tech is more than that. Those people use their techy knowledge to turn out some really ugly crap. However not just anyone has the kind of eye a fine artist does. Use that to your advantage.

  4. Well to be more specific about what I was doing, I was designing a piece on illustrator to print up and perfect with, yes you guessed it a pen and pencil. Yes I agree that technology should be used as an aid and not a crutch, there is more and more crap produced every day as opposed to even the smallest of quality art work. I will push forward and try to implement your ideas and suggestions, and thank you for the links take some more time to look at them more carefully.
