Monday, September 28, 2009

And this week, another assignment

I would just like to point out the difficulty level between both 3D and 2D artwork. If you havent tried 3D, you should. You have to look and think about something in a whole new way. Its not just a drawing where you put it down on a flat plain and it is what it is, you have to consider how light affects the piece, how the surroundings affect it. Its plain is the world and it reacts differently in different places (and in my case at different times of the day). When you work on something at 3am in the morning and you think your doing such a great job, that its the next marvel of the art world and when you get to class at 12pm and you set it up and you have a completely different view of it. Its embarrassing really, you start to wonder what you were thinking, how you could have even thought you were done or even. It never goes to plan but you hope for the best and those timid comments within the critique lift your spirits just enough to keep you moving on to the next project. Give it a try.

Monday, September 21, 2009

A simple comparison

After finding another blog to post my thoughts upon I find myself looking at the similarities and differences in or between American Comics, Cartoons, and other various animation to those in Japan, such as Manga or Anime. They both have simplistic abstractions of character design but what really makes them so different? As i sit and look at both forms of artwork I see that he Characters in America are more detailed or just as detailed as the background or landscape. With Anime Characters I am finding them to be more simplistic, or stand away from the landscape (at least for a majority of the comic or episode. There has to be more to it, everyone draws differently, this is a fact of life but what makes such a huge shift between cultures? Why would one be classified as manga and another an American comic? If you have any ideas, please share...

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Art and Technology

Some times I hate technology, it doesnt work right away or it doesnt work as quickly or as efficiently as I or we would like. The truth is technology has problems and as a people who are becoming more and more dependent upon it we have to learn to deal. As an artist Im learning to use technology along with my artwork, taking it to the next level and bringing the pencil and paper to the pixel form on the computer screen. It opens up many new concepts and ideas and could bring my artwork into a whole new existence or entity if you will. While I figure out how to use my art in different ways on my computer i will keep exploring new ideas while troubleshooting as the errors occur... and they will occur.

Monday, September 7, 2009

Last Friday I went to a Gallery Stroll down on University Avenue in Provo. I had been to this particular block three or four times last year and had a great experience. This time though it was lacking and left me wishing there was more, most of the galleries that had been open last year had been closed down, granted there were 2 or 3 new shops but all in all there were fewer galleries to stroll and even fewer artworks to see. I dont know if it is because of the economy(reasoning for the boutiques closing) or because there are few who are interested or maybe even know that they are around. I would like to pose a challenge to the people who read this post, go to the gallery strolls around town and support your local artists. Not only is it a fun way to spend an evening, it is also free. See you there.