Thursday, October 29, 2009

My new website

take a look at my beginning level site that coincides with my interest in copyright as it pertains to artists.

Monday, October 26, 2009


So Ive picked out my new schedule for next semester and Im soooo excited for it, so much so that I cant wait for this semester to be over just so i can start a whole new one. Ive never really "painted" before aside from just attempts at colors and painting inside the lines of a created design for some projects in my 2D foundations class. I hope to be pushed and really get a feel for it, this next semester will be a very crucial semester, it will be the decision maker for what my classes and "emphasis" will be from here on out. Wish me luck(and of course advice is always welcome).

Monday, October 19, 2009

Getting back into the groove of things

Ok so I'm sure it happens to most of us, we go on spring or fall break and instead of coming back refreshed... you feel tenfold worse. I just recieved an assignment through email (yay, not), because who doesnt love getting assignments over email, you open it and just go "oh yeah, crap." So when starting an art assignment comming off of a break or vacation or what have you, what are the best ways to get motivated again? What things might you recommend that does not work (so those of us reading wont try those either)?

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Have you ever had a project you thought would be easy and it turned out to be a nightmare? Welcome to my life right now. Im working on this project for my 3D foundation class and its taking me so long. Its not even that difficult its just all the small detail work, all that stuff that makes a huge difference in the end. What are your experiences? As for me it looks as though im going to get little sleep again because of one of these blasted projects, hopefully it turns out well... wish me luck.